Cows cause global warming
Thursday, July 19, 2007
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Recently the scientists dawned on the fact that cows cause global warming more than a SUV. They say that the burps and farts from the cows emit more methane, and hence are dangerous to the environment.
Well, it is exactly not a new finding. Except that it is interpreted in a different way..Since centuries, cow dung is used to make gobar-gas in rural India. That's the staple fuel in these parts..While those people discovered the useful aspect of a cow, the scientists have used the same finding to criminalize the poor animals..
Well, it is exactly not a new finding. Except that it is interpreted in a different way..Since centuries, cow dung is used to make gobar-gas in rural India. That's the staple fuel in these parts..While those people discovered the useful aspect of a cow, the scientists have used the same finding to criminalize the poor animals..